
With the support of BIM technology each agent involved in the process of design, construction or rehabilitation of a building knows precisely the work to be done, the deadline and the budget allocated. This results in timely work with guaranteed quality and safety. Zaga Management works for the residential or tertiary sector as well as industrial, logistics and infrastructure.

Projects of Architecture and Engineering
Design and development of projects from the preliminary project to the end of the execution of the work.
Technical consulting of envelopes
Definition and analysis of constructive solutions for facades and roofs; both in new construction as in rehabilitation projects. Energy efficiency improvement and implementation of photovoltaic panels.
BIM methodology
The BIM methodology allows to develop projects in which all the information is concretized in a collaborative digital model that combines the work of all the agents involved in the design and greatly speeds the subsequent maintenance work and facility mangement.
Technical Office and consultancy
Assistance to developers, builders and other technicians who require support in drafting or executing building projects. Preparation of reports, opinions, ITEs, habitation certificate and energy efficiency certificates.
Construction management
Construction management and execution management. Project and Construction management: Planning, organization, management and control of resources for the elaboration of projects and the execution of works.
Safety coordination and safety supervisor
During the execution of the works, we ensure that the mandatory criteria of risk prevention, safety, health and hygiene at work are applied.
Projects of Activity and Legalization
Development of projects and management of procedures with the administration for the legalization of activities.
Legal and Forensic Architecture
Expert opinions, technical audits, land valuations, real estate valuations and financial analysis.
Metodología BIM

Zaga carries out all its projects and work monitoring using BIM technology, which ensures a correct coordination of all the actors involved, a documentation always accessible and updated and strict compliance with procedures, established budgets and timetables. The creation of a BIM model of the building where all the technical data of the same are collected, allows to elaborate an always reliable documentation and to plan and execute the work with precision. In addition, the BIM model becomes a very useful tool for the subsequent planning, maintenance and subsequent refurbishment of the built complex.

Arquitectura Saludable y Sostenible

Zaga is committed to promoting projects that are healthy for people, have a low environmental impact and low maintenance cost.
In order to achieve this goal, our team has accredited architects LEED AP and PASSIVHAUS DESIGNER.